How to collect data from a website using selenium and beautifulSoup: the COP26 application

Mariane Neiva — @maribneiva
4 min readNov 3, 2021
Source: NSCTotal

The 2021 Conference of (COP 26) is happening from 31th of October to 12h of November.

It aggregates the countries that have signed the UN Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC) and bring together several countries’ leaders to address climate change.

Regarding the event’s size, this project aims to use web scrapping to get information around the conference and plot as a word cloud.

The source of our information is G1 portal, an important Brazilian news website.

  • Full code is available here

# The Libraries

We are using selenium and beautifulSoup to collect data from G1. Then, the first step is to import the required libraries.

from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
import time
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Reading the website

To cut some steps, we are retrieving data from the search result page from G1

url = ''

Then, let’s set up the option to prevent google from opening while the code is running.

option = Options() 
option.headless = True

You can use several browsers with selenium. In this project, we are using Google Chrome.

To download your driver, click here.

Do not forget to find the correct version (according to your system and number).

driver = webdriver.Chrome(<CHROMEDRIVER LOCATION>, options=option)
  • replace <CHROMEDRIVE PATH> to the location of chromedriver file in your computer

As the page loads with more news and interests us, we use ‘execute_script’ to scroll the page and show more.

driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
time.sleep(10) #Waiting to have all data loaded

# Finding the content

Selenium works by retrieving data from webpage source code. To get the code, use Ctrl + U in google chrome.

Find the tag where the content (title and summary) of the data we want to analyze is.

In this project, the element of the html is ‘content’. Get the HTML using function get_attribute.

Finally, after quitting the browser, Beautifulsoup converts the HTML to a better structure to manage the information.

element = driver.find_element_by_id("content")
html = element.get_attribute('outerHTML')
driver.quit() #closes the browser
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')

# Title and summary

We use the title (in widget — info__title product-color) and the summary (in widget — info__description) to create our database and store in ‘texto’.

texto = []for bloco in soup.find_all(class_='widget--info__text-container'):
for href in bloco.find_all('a'):
titulo = href.find(class_="widget--info__title product-color")
if(titulo != None):
#removing tab and line breaker
resumo = href.find(class_="widget--info__description")
if(resumo != None):
texto = ' '.join(texto)

# The word cloud

Now that we have the information from G1, let’s show the word cloud according to the frequency of terms.

We must cut the text into words (.split), convert them to lower caption (.lower), and remove pronouns, articles, and other common words to every text (the stop words)

import nltkstopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('portuguese') + ['cop']
comment_words = ''
tokens = texto.split()for i in range(len(tokens)):
tokens[i] = tokens[i].lower()
comment_words += " ".join(tokens)+" "

# The plot

The mask image

To draw according to the theme, we use a mask as a baseline of the word cloud.

The word cloud is created using the function WordCLoud. We can easily remove stopwords, decide the background color, among other attributes within the function.

Matplotlib is used to draw the image.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from PIL import'stopwords')
from wordcloud import WordCloud
mask = np.array(<LOCATION OF THE MASK IMAGE>))wordcloud = WordCloud(mask = mask, margin = 10,
background_color ='rgb(0, 0, 51)',
stopwords = stopwords,
min_font_size = 10).generate(comment_words)
default_colors = wordcloud.to_array()
plt.imshow(default_colors, interpolation="bilinear")
  • replace <OCATION OF THE MASK IMAGE> to the location of mask image file in your computer

The result is:

The wordcloud

# Discussion

One interesting sentence found in the cloud is ‘jogar pedra’ (throw rock).

Looking for this news, we found the link:

Trying to understand the term: ‘jogar pedra’ (throw rocks)

The news shows the vice president of Brazil, Hamilton Mourão, trying to justify the absence of president Jair Bolsonaro in COP 26.

“We know that President Bolsonaro suffers a lot of criticism. So, he will reach a place where everyone will throw stones at him. There is a strong team there with the capacity to, let’s say, carry out the negotiation strategy,” said Mourão.

The code

Full code is available here



Mariane Neiva — @maribneiva

Woman in tech, researcher @University of Sao Paulo. Passionate by artificial intelligence, innovation, scientific communication and programming.