How Big Brands Use Data to Understand You

Mariane Neiva — @maribneiva
2 min readAug 7, 2023

In today’s digital age, every click, like, and share tells a story. As consumers navigate the vast online landscape, they leave behind a trail of data breadcrumbs. Big brands, always on the hunt for a competitive edge, have harnessed the power of this data to gain deeper insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and habits. From personalized marketing campaigns to predictive shopping experiences, data analytics has revolutionized the way brands interact with their audience. Here are some examples on How Big Brands Use Data to Understand You

OkCupid matching algorithm

OkCupid uses member answers to find matches and to determine how likely someone is to sleep with you on the first date

Facebook tracks your local and global information

Facebook tracks your hometown and current location not just for friends but to analyze global migration and football fanbases

Target analysis customers behavior

Target predicts which customers are pregnant based on their purchases to market baby-related items

Data science was used in Obama’s campaign

In 2012, the Obama campaign used data scientists to identify voters, optimize fundraising, and focus get-out-the-vote efforts.

Trump also used DS in his 2016 campaign

In 2016, the Trump campaign tested online ads and analyzed data to refine their strategies.

~this text was produced with the help of #chatGPT and #dataScienceFromScratch



Mariane Neiva — @maribneiva

Woman in tech, researcher @University of Sao Paulo. Passionate by artificial intelligence, innovation, scientific communication and programming.